Thursday, February 20, 2014

Robert Gange's Theories of Education

                          Robert Gagne

          Robert Gagne was born in 1916 in North Andover, Massachusetts. He is known for his Nine Learning Events and Five Learning styles. He wrote a book called, "Conditions of Learning."  He received his B.A at Yale and then furthered his education at Brown University where he got his Ph. D in psychology. His has also done his share in military work as well. He was assigned to give and scored aptitude tests for aviation cadets for combat aircraft. 

Nine Learning Events:

  1. Identify the types of learning outcomes;
  2. Identify  the internal conditions or processes  needed to achieve the outcomes;
  3. Identify the external conditions or instruction needed to achieve the outcomes;
  4. Specify the learning context;
  5. Record the characteristics of the learners;
  6. Select media for instruction;
  7. Plan to motivate learner;
  8. Test the instruction (i.e. via formative evaluation)
  9. Assumptive evaluation (to judge effectiveness of learning and teaching.)

Five Types of Learning:
1. Verbal information
2. Intellectual skills
3. Cognitive strategies
4. Motor skills
5. Attitudes

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