Robert Gagne
Robert Gagne was born in 1916 in North Andover, Massachusetts. He is known for his Nine Learning Events and Five Learning styles. He wrote a book called, "Conditions of Learning." He received his B.A at Yale and then furthered his education at Brown University where he got his Ph. D in psychology. His has also done his share in military work as well. He was assigned to give and scored aptitude tests for aviation cadets for combat aircraft.
Nine Learning Events:
- Identify the types of learning outcomes;
- Identify the internal conditions or processes needed to achieve the outcomes;
- Identify the external conditions or instruction needed to achieve the outcomes;
- Specify the learning context;
- Record the characteristics of the learners;
- Select media for instruction;
- Plan to motivate learner;
- Test the instruction (i.e. via formative evaluation)
- Assumptive evaluation (to judge effectiveness of learning and teaching.)
Five Types of Learning:
1. Verbal information
2. Intellectual skills
3. Cognitive strategies
4. Motor skills
5. Attitudes
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